Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: A year of Thought?

While wishing everyone a Happy New Year, a thought struck my mind. What change is going to happen in anyone's life as the clock strikes midnight on 31st December? Nothing actually. It is not as if a significant event will occur, at least not in most individuals life, which will fundamentally alter their life. All that may change is we will write a different number in the year column. But doesn't that happen for the month column at the turn of a month or for a date every 24 hours. We don’t wish each other happy 1st or the happy 2nd or happy january or happy february. (actually if you leave it to the celebratory industry even that may start happening - already we have so many "day" in a year)

So, why the big hullabaloo over the change in the year in the gregorian calendar. Maybe it has significance for the Catholics but why does the world celebrate it given that each culture has its own new year traditions. And its not that I am against celebrations. But have we reached a stage in human evolution that unless we celebrate certain days of a year in a certain way, life is not complete. Has life become such a drag that we have forgotten to celebrate life each day and therefore we need a specific day like a "New Year day" to say okay, today I need to go out and celebrate. Or is it the thought that if I don't celebrate the new year, I will not have a story to tell tomorrow. Think about it.  

And like me, I hope you find the answer that celebrating life each day is the path to a great life ahead. Not just a great 2014 or a great 2015.

See you around!


- hiren

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